City of Whittier Community Catalog

The City of Whittier

Brand Campaign

The City of Whittier produces a community class brochure each quarter to showcase the variety of classes the City endorse for community members. I was asked to help develop a new brand identity that feels relevant today while also showcasing the landmarks, activities and people that make Whittier unique. The final product was to be a template the staff could modify and update on their own.

My Role:

Branding + Design + Illustration

The Process

Define Brand




Design Strategy

Showcase Places of Interest

Modernize Template

Be Adaptable

User Alignment

Current Interests

Convey Local Culture

Progressive City Feeling

Chosen Brand Template

Wisdom Pets. click for home.

Other Design Proposals

Wisdom Pets. click for home.
Wisdom Pets. click for home.
Wisdom Pets. click for home.
Wisdom Pets. click for home.